Welcome to TheCorc

Thank you for visiting my site. My main objective is to chronicle everyday life and hopefully pass on a trick or two that you can use to make your life easier or a bit more enjoyable.

A little bit about myself so you can have an idea of what topics I will be talking about. I am a husband and father to four wonderful children (3 boys and a girl). Outside of my family, my primary interests are exercise (running and strength training), reading and cooking. Most recently my wife and I decided to go 100% plant based, but our children are still omnivores so don’t expect any preaching about the plant based life from me.

To learn more about any of the topics I am interested in just click the tabs at the top of the page. Please don’t be shy with feedback. You can reach out to me in the comments or on social media.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you come back soon.